Teaspoon beef mince curry

The weeks roll by and Christmas gallops towards us, events occur and impinge upon time management. Therefore every now and then a quick tasty ‘hug in a pot’ meal is required. The teaspoon is a reference to the measure of the spices in this pot which would easily serve four. 

Beef mince curry 


500 g beef mince 

1 onion, sliced 

1 green pepper, chopped 

1/2  pt beef stock 

1 oz butter for frying 

1 tsp garlic granules 

1/2 tsp chilli flakes 

1 tsp turmeric 

1 tsp cumin powder 

1 tsp garam marsala 

1 tsp ground ginger 

2 tsp curry powder 

1 tin carrots and petit pois 

1 potato, diced 


Melt the butter in a large saucepan and fry the onion and pepper until softened, stir in the garlic and turmeric for two more minutes. Add  the beef mince and stir over a high heat until the meat is browned. Stir in the remaining spices and add the beef stock, bring to the boil, add the vegetables and then simmer for 30 minutes.
Serve with rice or potato as taste demands. 

God Bless 

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